Library Policies & Forms


Materials circulate for three weeks and may be renewed up to 20 times unless someone is waiting. Our Library of Things collection circulates for one week. We do not charge late fines.

Collection Development

The library provides an impartial environment where individuals can freely access information spanning the spectrum of knowledge and opinions. The board affirms the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to View, and Freedom to Read policy statements concerning acquiring and managing collections.

Facility Use

The Library is available for use by non-profit and civic groups. Groups or individuals using the library may not charge admission or fees for activities.

The community room is also available for use by individuals or small groups. Please contact us to schedule use of these space.


We strive to protect the First Amendment rights of our patrons, and their individual rights of privacy.  However, because Internet workstations are located in public areas, images on the screen and paper printouts of those images may be visible to others.  Internet users must respect the rights and sensitivities of others, which is consistent with the library’s general rules of conduct.

Patron Conduct

The Library is a welcoming public space and we are happy to see you here! When visiting, please remember to follow the patron conduct policy.